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Introducing the Winner of Imagine Norway 2021!

Adiz, a 20 year-old rapper from Moss, is the winner of Imagine Norway 2021!

This year the competition had to take place a bit differently, with each finalist being judged on their “live” film submissions. Adiz was among three other finalists - SiMi, The Rebels and Unison - who came from different regions in Norway. The lead singer of Norwegian pop-punk band Sløtface Haley Shea formed part of the four-person jury who decided the winning act.

Adiz has been writing music since he was 10 years old and considers himself more of a live artist than a studio musician. He believes that the best thing about being an artist is standing on stage and exchanging energy with the audience. Although Adiz’s lyrics focus on his personal experiences, his themes have proved to be relatable to a lot of people.

Adiz will be traveling to Brussels, Belgium, to participate in the Imagine Music Experience International Final this September!

Listen to “Den Andre Gutten” (The Other Boy) by Adiz here:

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